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Top Kettlebell Exercises

Top Kettlebell Exercises

Working out with kettlebells has become all the rage in the past few years. They look much like a miniature bowling ball with a handle. These weights are excellent for all types of training, including strength, flexibility, and cardio.

You will begin using these by choosing the weight of your choice- women usually grab a weight between 8 kg and 16 kg and men typically choose one weighing between 16 kg and 32 kg.

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However, this will depend upon the exercise you are doing- keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with starting with a lighter weight and working your way up to a heavier one.

It is recommended that you aim for doing three to five sets of ten to thirty reps with good form. You may want to start working with a trainer so that you can be sure you’re doing it right. Following are a few of the top kettlebell exercises.

Russian Kettlebell Swing

This is a beginner level exercise that targets your glutes, legs, shoulders, and back. To perform the perfect swing, you need to stand up straight with your feet a little wider than your hips.

Then, with both hands grab the kettlebell, keeping your palms face down and your arms in front of your body.

You should bend your knees slightly and drive your hips backwards while lowering your body- but it’s not a squat, so make sure you don’t lower your body too low.

Then, in one fluid motion, you should explosively drive your hips forward while swinging the kettlebell. Your core and glutes should remain engaged the whole time.

Keep in mind that this motion needs to come from your hips, not your arms as you return your body to a standing position. Then, lower the weight back between your legs. You should keep this swinging motion for twelve to fifteen reps.

Single-Arm Kettlebell Swing

This is a beginner to intermediate exercise that targets your glutes, legs, shoulders, hips, and back. This exercise is much like the two-handed swing, but instead you only use one hand at a time. You will swing the kettlebell up with one arm- but you will still swing the other arm to help with the momentum. When the kettlebell is behind your legs, you will want to switch hands. You should do ten to twelve reps per arm.

Two-Arm Kettlebell Row

This is a beginner to intermediate exercise that targets your shoulders, arms, and back. To do this exercise, you will want to grab two kettlebells. Place them in front of your feet and slightly bend your knees.

Bend over, grabbing both kettlebells and pull them towards your stomach. You should keep your elbows close to your body and keep your back straight. Lower the kettlebells and then repeat for twelve to fifteen reps.

Kettlebell Figure-8

This is an intermediate level exercise that targets your abs, arms, and back. To perform this exercise, you need to start by positioning your legs a bit wider than your hips and then lower yourself to a quarter-squat.

Your back should be kept straight and your chest up. Pick up the kettlebell with your left hand, swing it to the outside of your left leg and back between your legs.

Now, you will pass the kettlebell from your left to your right hand and swing it around the outside of your right leg. This motion is very similar to the classic basketball drill. Try to keep it going for one minute.

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

This is an intermediate exercise that targets your back, legs, and glutes. You will start by standing up straight, holding a kettlebell with both hands in front of your chest. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your body.

You will start the squat by driving your heels into the ground and pushing your hips back until your thighs are parallel to the ground or below- and stand back up. You will do this for fifteen to twenty reps- keeping in mind that it’s quality over quantity.

In conclusion, this is five of the most popular kettlebell exercises. These are great to get you started before you move on to the more advanced movements. You want to always keep in mind that the weight you choose should be just heavy enough to be challenging.

If you can pump out all the recommended reps without being out of breath, you may want to move to a heavier weight. On the other hand, if you are struggling to get out three or four reps, you may want to choose a weight that is a bit lighter.

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